
Early Childhood Program

Trinity School’s experienced and warm-hearted teachers understand that children ages two, three, four, and five have distinct ways of connecting with the world. Our Early Childhood teachers nurture those connections by offering environments and interactions encouraging curiosity and a love for learning. Open-ended and developmentally appropriate questions motivate our young students to wonder, observe, think critically, test their theories, and extend their knowledge and understanding. 

Purposeful play in our intentional spaces helps our children develop a strong sense of self, and opportunities to learn through inquiry build a community of engaged students. The image of a child guides our pedagogy as a strong,  competent, and capable individual able to advocate for the self and the rights of others.

List of 6 items.

  • Language and Literacy

    Language and Literacy is an integral part of our program. Students explore this dimension of learning by considering the following: 
    • What makes me a reader?
    • How do I form my letters?
    • What do these letters mean? How do they help me communicate my ideas?
    • How can I be a writer?
    • How do I express my ideas for others to experience?
    • How can I engage in the reading and writing experience with a friend?
    • How can I learn from literacy in the world around me?
  • Mathematics

    Mathematics is part of our everyday world. In our Early Childhood Program, our students are given the lens to explore this reality by analyzing and actively exploring:
    • What do numbers mean?
    • What can I do with numbers?
    • How do numbers help us measure?
    • What is less? More?
    • How many?
    • How long? Short?
    • How can we create different structures?
    • How do I define the figures and forms that are around us?
  • Science

    Children are innately curious. That curiosity is nurtured through a tangible, open-ended process by determining the following:
    • How does this work?
    • What can I do to change this?
    • Why is this happening?
    • How can I expand on the ideas of my friends?
    • How do scientists make sense of things in a world they cannot see?
    • What can be done differently?
  • Service Learning

    We are the citizens of a large world. We explore our impacts on society by discussing the following:
    • How can I make a difference?
    • How do I make the distinction between need versus work?
  • Social Studies

    Life is about the relationships we establish with our varying communities. We create these connections by questioning:
    • Who am I?
    • What are my roles and responsibilities?
    • What makes me similar and different from the people in my life?
    • What is a family?
  • Social-Emotional Learning

    Our program nurtures the development of social and emotional growth within our students. During their time with us, students will discover:
    • How do I develop kindness and compassion?
    • How can I be a good friend, helper, and leader?
    • What do I need to do to thrive in a group and as an individual?
    • Why do I need to treat others with respect?
    • How do I take care of my own emotions?
    • What are the ways that I can express myself?

Preschool (Ages 2 - Young 3s)

Building the Foundation for Social and Emotional Growth
This classroom for our youngest learners prioritizes active exploration in a tactile learning environment. Educators facilitate learning experiences emphasizing socialization, independence, language, and physical skills. In addition, educators work collaboratively with families with potty training, establishing consistent routines and ample validation to ensure a smooth transition.

Preschool (Ages 3 - 4)

A Time for Exploration
Trinity School’s teachers understand that children aged three or four have distinct ways of viewing reality as they shape their understanding of how the world works. Teachers foster curiosity and wonder by developing questions that encourage the child to observe, use language, and take reasonable risks. Age-appropriate developmental goals and teachers’ extensive experience guide learning for Trinity School’s youngest students. Children explore spiritual and universal values in weekly Chapel services conducted by a chaplain of Trinity Church.

A Snapshot of the Student:

Children ages 3-4 enter a social and learning world outside the home. As the children engage in learning activities, questions and observations form the basis of interaction with teachers and other students. Handling, moving, and thinking about different materials leads to problem-setting and problem-solving. For example, a piece of string might generate a conversation about a line; a found wheel might lead to exploring why specific shapes roll, and others do not. The teachers assess student development and growth with anecdotal observation and documentation. Conversing with students about play work, drawings, and feelings validate students’ thinking and competencies.

Pre-Kindergarten & Transitional Kindergarten (Ages 4-5)

A Time for Building Confidence and Self-Assurance
The Pre-K and Transitional Kindergarten program is appropriate for: 
  1. Children who will turn five before September 1 transition into Kindergarten, and those who have not met the September 1 Kindergarten age cut-off shift 5 in the fall.
  2. Children who could attend Kindergarten according to age may benefit from an extra year to gain specific social, cognitive, or small motor skills. In addition, these students usually have late-summer birthdays.
Our Transitional Kindergarten extends the philosophy and approach of our Preschool for children who will age four by September 1 of those who may closely meet the Kindergarten age requirement but would benefit from the Transitional Kindergarten year. Children move through developmental stages at different rates and in different ways. Trinity’s Transitional Kindergarten program provides time, space, and expert teacher facilitation for children to continue maturing, integrate learning skills, and practice social relationships. As a result, the Transitional Kindergarten child leaves the program confident and is academically prepared to begin elementary school.

A Snapshot of the Student:

Child’s play is a child’s work. The child, peers, and teachers make choices within the stimulating classroom environment as they explore learning areas and materials. Using language and intentional relationships, students make plans anticipating what they intend to do, how, and with whom. Teachers guide the child’s articulation of the strategy and facilitate the child’s reflection on completed work to instill self-awareness and independence in learning. Students design, create, and represent ideas and discoveries during project work through conversation, art, writing, and inventing. Teachers value and document students’ graphic language expressed in a painting, a sculpture, or written words. The visual representation of children’s ideas becomes increasingly deliberate as teachers record and support student reflection offering a foundation for formal reading and writing instruction. 

Transitional Kindergarten students also attend Chapel once a week.